El objetivo de los Senior Webinars es que investigadores y profesionistas con trayectorias largas
destacadas compartan con la comunidad de Alconpat el estado del arte sobre la patología de la
construcción. En estos Webinars se presentarán los últimos avances a nivel internacional sobre temas de
vanguardia. En 2023, nos compartirán sus experiencias destacados investigadores de renombre
internacional: Michel Donadio (Suiza), Fernando Martirena (Cuba), Konstantin Kovler (Israel), y Ole
(Dinamarca). Los Senior Webinars de Alconpat/Holcim tendrán traducción simultánea
del español al inglés o viceversa.
6 de Diciembre de 2023 - 11 hrs de México (GMT-6) |
![]() Prof. Konstantin Kovler ¡Ver Webinar!The presentation deals with several interrelated and challenging dilemmas related to sustainability of construction materials: (a) natural vs. artificial stone materials; (b) gypsum binders vs. portland cement; and (c) how pure so-called “low-contaminant” materials (including those containing industrial residues) should be from the viewpoints of customers, manufacturers and the society. Understanding these dilemmas the society faces in the last years and answering these questions will help scientists and engineers to ensure that the production technology under development is environmentally friendly and sufficiently advanced technologically, and that the materials themselves are safe for building occupants during all the life cycle of buildings. These three dilemmas were the focus of the author's research over the last 40 years. |
11 de Octubre de 2023 - 11 hrs de México (GMT-6) |
![]() Prof. Dr. José Fernando Martirena Hernández ¡Ver Webinar!La presión ambiental sobre el empleo de recursos no renovables para la producción de áridos impulsa el desarrollo de alternativas como la de empleo de áridos reciclados en la fabricación de concretos. Las propiedades de estos áridos, inferiores a las de los áridos tradicionales, evitan que estos sean utilizados en soluciones de concretos estructurales, de resistencias sobre los 30 MPa. El equipo de trabajo CIDEM ha trabajado una alternativa de beneficio de la fracción intermedia 5-8 mm de los áridos reciclados a partir de un recubrimiento con cemento, que ha permitido mejorar sus propiedades y en general las propiedades de un concreto producido enteramente con áridos reciclados. La presentación discute la evaluación de durabilidad de este concreto, a partir de diferentes períodos de exposición en sitios naturales. Se discuten en especial los resultados en cloruros y carbonatación. Los resultados demuestran que es viable producir concretos de aplicación estructural con 100% de áridos reciclados. |
15 de Marzo de 2023 - 12 hrs de México (GMT-6) |
¡Ver Webinar!Michel Donadio, Technical Manager, Sika Services AG Ruben Ramirez, Target Market Refurbishment Manager, Sika Mexicana SA de CV Juan Capacho, Business Development Manager LATAM, Sika Mexicana SA de CV Reinforced concrete structures such as buildings, bridges are designed to last a long time - it is not uncommon for bridge structures to have a design life of more than 100 years. These structures, built to last a long time, are subjected to ageing with influences from pollution, water, and other deleterious elements such as chloride or carbon dioxide. The most common deterioration process of reinforced concrete is the corrosion of the reinforcing steel bars and consequent volume expansion of the rebars. According to NACE, the economic impact of corrosion is approximately 3.4% of the global GDP ($2.5 trillion). The corrosion of steel bars in reinforced concrete in buildings or infrastructure may even lead to collapse of these structures - well known in recent years were the collapses of the Polcevera Viaduct in Genoa, Italy and the Surfside Condo in Miami, USA - leaving behind many casualties. The aim of this report is to present the different corrosion mitigation techniques available today such as, repair mortar, corrosion inhibitors (active or passive), protective coatings and cathodic protection by induced current or galvanic current. |
16 de Agosto de 2023 - 11 hrs de México (GMT-6) |
![]() Prof. Ole Mejlhede Jensen ¡Ver Webinnar!Common civil engineering materials are used in huge amounts, and for this reason they have a general characteristic of being cheap and ill-defined. On the other hand, smart material are delicately designed materials with very specific properties. At first, this sounds like incongruous parts of the material world, however, their opposite features are exactly what make them a good match. The unavoidable depletion of good raw material sources, increased recycling of construction materials and tightening energy constraints are even likely to push for the appearance of more smart materials technologies within future civil engineering. The talk features a cozy stroll into the fascinating world of smart materials. Through physical demonstrations, some of the dark secrets of these technologies are revealed. |